Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) acts as a hub of dissemination of technology in agriculture and allied sciences to the farming communities of the district. Though at nascent stage KVK, Nayagarh was established on dt.29.06.2004 vide Letter No.2-10/1998 – AE-II of DDG, CAE), ICAR and started functioning at panipoila near Nayagarh sugar mill. After establishment KVK has made inroads to all the eight blocks covering genders and various sections of the society. It is promoting organic farming, resources conservation practices such as SSI, SRI, besides package demonstration and method demonstrations in agri-horticultural crops besides imparting advanced need based training programmes. To bridge the gap in the availability of quality inputs in agriculture. KVK is supplying quality planting materials in fruit crops, vegetables, ornamentals crops, sugar crops, mushroom spawn, improved broods of poultry, duckery, goatery, fishery and vermicompost. It is promoting entrepreneurship among rural youth in backyard poultry, fishery and mushroom.